Firm is a collection of professionals need to work in the same direction under one roof. Firm comprises of capital, finance, asset, share holders, funds, employee and many more. Different firms have different criteria to work as depend upon its theme and area of operating. These differentials in the numbers of elements of the varied firms bring a different set of rules and regulations for registration.
The Partnership Act, 1932 (hereinafter referred as to “Partnership Law” is regulated all the businesses, works under Partnership format. According to Partnership Law, the registration of Partnership firm/business is not mandatory and registration is left at the option of the partners but it is highly recommended that the partnership should be registered with registrar of Partnership under Partnership Law.
Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has made the process easy and efficient. You can now get your company registered in 7 to 14 working days. We help business individuals in registering their business as Partnership, Sole Proprietorship, SMC, Public Limited Company, Pvt. Limited Company etc.
Firm Registration services are provided by ours well-informed, vastly experienced, and mellow attorneys of international acclamation and reputation. We provide legal assistance and all-round information regarding registration of proprietary firms, partnership firms, and limited liability partnership firms.
Please CONTACT US for more assistance.
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